Independent Nanny Recruiting
Just Got Easier

Independent Nanny recruiting

Taking the lead on your nanny search

No hard feelings! We understand that using an agency isn't the right fit for everyone, and that's okay! Our Independent Nanny Recruiting services help families find safe, compassionate, and qualified childcare. If you choose to recruit your nanny independently, we’re still here to help. We offer several options to support you with your search.

Don’t go at this entirely on your own. We have resources to help you find your unicorn. Let us assist you in making your independent search as smooth and successful as possible.

From the very first inquiry email, Nicole made us feel cared for and covered, explaining everything clearly and answering all our million questions. The Nanny Tribe took the stress out of finding a nanny by covering the whole process. They did the hard (and super important) part of vetting quality and trustworthy nannies.


Dublin, CA

Comprehensive Vetting Process for Independent Nanny Recruiting

The Nanny Tribe offers an Al-a-Cart Vetting service for those families seeking support with the nitty-gritty details of their independently recruited nanny.  This option is a comprehensive process to thoroughly examine and verify a candidate's qualifications, background, and suitability for a role. This includes background checks, reference checks, interviews, and verification of certifications. By allowing us to handle the vetting process, you can be assured that your chosen candidate is trustworthy and qualified. We have the resources to conduct these checks quickly and efficiently, saving you time and ensuring peace of mind. After you’ve conducted an interview and feel confident that this is your unicorn, we will take the lead with the verification process.

Navigating Your Independent Nanny Recruiting Search

If you've decided to take the lead in finding your nanny independently, you're in the right place. Independent Nanny Recruiting involves much more than posting an ad in a mom's group and hoping your unicorn shows up. The nanny community is vast and diverse; unfortunately, some candidates may misrepresent themselves. Without the proper tools to identify the most honest and qualified candidates, you might find yourself back on the hunt sooner than expected.

We offer a solution to make your search more efficient, from budgeting for a nanny to finding, vetting, hiring, and employing them. Our expertise ensures that you can navigate the process smoothly and confidently. If you’re interested, we’d love to introduce you to our sister agency, which can provide additional support and resources.

Why work with us

What we expect from nannies


We require candidates to acquire at least 2 years of professional childcare experience after age 18. This includes private in-home nanny services but may also include teaching, early childhood education (ECE) units, and private in-home daycare services.


The Nanny Tribe personally speaks with each reference provided because we believe in hearing the excitement and authenticity in their voice. Nothing is more important to us than ensuring safety and verifying that each candidate has a history of impeccable service.


Our thorough background analysis provides peace of mind by ensuring that each candidate meets our high standards for a trustworthy background and is truly who they say they are, ensuring the highest level of safety and reliability for your family.


We don’t recruit individuals just looking for a job; we seek those with a true passion for caregiving. A genuine caregiver is excited to go to work each day and sees it as an opportunity to "play." We look for dedicated, enthusiastic individuals who bring joy and commitment to their position.

Are You Ready To Start Your Search? 

Here is what to expect next 

Schedule a discovery call with your personal recruting specialist
Complete our comprehensive Family onboarding form
Schedule a Zoom with us to go over the nitty gritty details
Let us take the rains and begin recruiting


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